WEDISTRICT PROJECT: 100% Renewable District Heating and Cooling

The building heating and cooling sector represents 50% of the total energy consumption in the European Union, with 70% of this energy currently derived from fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas, and oil. This dependence not only harms the environment but also hinders the EU’s progress toward climate neutrality. However, what if we could…

Latest Progress on Our Waste to Energy Cogeneration Plant in Ventspils, Latvia!

Excited to share the latest progress on our Waste to Energy Cogeneration Plant in Ventspils, Latvia! 🌱 This one-of-a-kind WtE plant showcases an integrated approach to waste management and has the impressive capacity to process up to 15,000 tons of Solid Refused Fuel (SRF) annually. Designed to convert SRF into renewable heat for district heating…

Ongoing process of CER’s project in Samobor

Works on the construction site in Samobor related to the project of building a Special Hospital for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation with the hotel are in full swing and we are looking forward to seeing rapid progress on a daily basis. So far, we have successfully completed the first phase of the project, which included…

Ventspils project and tourist destination

Ventspils, a beautiful city in Latvia has grown to our hearts since we started with our big project of building Waste to Energy Cogeneration Plant. The one-of-a-kind WtE plant is an example of the integrated approach to waste management and can process up to 15,000 tons of SRF ( Solid Refused Fuel) per year. The…


SPECIAL HOSPITAL FOR PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION WITH A HOTEL We are pleased to announce that Circular Energy Resources Ltd. the main contractors on the project of building a Special Hospital for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation with a hotel in Samobor. The desire of this project is, among other things, the development of sustainable tourism in less…

META-BUILD project

We are excited to announce the launch of our new project! CER is going to be a part of the META-BUILD project, and we would like to share the news about what this project is all about. Meta Build – Powering the METAmorphosis of BUILDings towards a decarbonized and sustainable energy system Vision: to operationalize energy…


From the 8th to the 11th of November CER exhibited at ECOMONDO, the key event in Europe for the circular economy, industrial and technological innovation, and ecological transition. CER’s participation in the 25th edition of […]

District Heating with biomass in the city of Granollers

The Municipality of Granollers (Barcelona) has completed the installation project of the District Heating for supplying seven different public centres with energy from biomass. They include the local publisher, the Artists and Culture centre, the […]

Infrastructure project for satisfying water demand

“The construction of the underground pumping station Gorica and its connection to the island Pag water supply system” is another infrastructure project for which CER offered consulting services based on its wide expertise in the […]

Among CER’s most important infrastructure projects

“Equipping the access roads to the Pelješac bridge, the Stone bypass and the sub-section Duboka-Sparagovići/Zaradeže-Prapratno-Doli” is among CER’s most significant infrastructure projects to date. The project contractor is the Croatian national road company Hrvatske Ceste […]

Visit to the Tehnix factory

On 26 February CER management visited the company Tehnix, the Croatian leading eco-industry developing and manufacturing innovative technology in the field of waste management. We were particularly impressed with their unique MO-BO-TO technology that recycles […]

We signed the public procurement contract

Fllowing the public procurement procedure for the project “Construction of the water sewage system of the Metković agglomeration and the reconstruction of the water supply network” today it was signed the Public procurement contract with […]

Important past references

For more than 20 years we at CER have been committed to developing projects and implementing technologies that would foment the growth of green power and the sustainable economy. Windfarms are one of our key […]

Our latest biomass plant in Spain

One of our latest projects in the renewable energy sector is the biomass plant for the Quadpack Wood company, for its manufacturing unit based in Torelló, in Spain. The project has been done in collaboration […]

CER and COMSA S.A. have won the bid for the best tender

We are thrilled to announce that CER and COMSA S.A. have won the bid for the best tender in the public procurement procedure for the “Upgrading and reconstruction works on the system of public water […]

Latest developments in the W.E. District project

The W.E. District project is continuing in its development of its technologies and integration of renewables into the district heating systems across its demo sites. The latest development on its course to generating heating and […]