We are excited to announce the launch of our new project!
CER is going to be a part of the META-BUILD project, and we would like to share the news about what this project is all about.
Meta Build – Powering the METAmorphosis of BUILDings towards a decarbonized and sustainable energy system
Vision: to operationalize energy efficiency first principle in the practical context of buildings, towards the decarbonization of the EU building stock, through Electrified low-carbon technologies such as heat pumps for the electrification of the building thermal energy demand; Integration of RES & storage; Building digitalization and intelligence with smart energy management systems
META BUILD will deliver: KPI-driven assessment methodology & LCA analysis on building electrification; Decarbonisation as a service decision support tool; sound Business Models combined with energy efficiency and electrification; Advanced HP technologies, PVTs & other RES solutions, thermal & second-life battery storage systems; Interoperable framework for electrified ready buildings; Energy management services for RT-monitoring & performance analytics; Demand response, grid interaction & flexibility planning tools; Proactive maintenance & controls services; Digital Twins for maintaining/enhancing the buildings’ performance; Blueprints & policy recommendations for replication & scalability.
The focus will be given to both the construction and renovation phases of a building, while META BUILD solutions will be demonstrated and replicated in different types of buildings including 6 Front Runners and 7 Replication Multipliers.
META BUILD comprises 39 partners from 13 countries, combining expertise in innovative electrification solutions for buildings’ thermal needs and smart energy management system
META BUILD technical team is comprised by leading companies in electrification systems for buildings which will design and develop prototype systems.
CER will, in cooperation with the DH company HEPT, develop an innovative solution of HPs tailored for DH connection.
1. Powering the METAmorphosis of BUILDings towards a decarbonized and sustainable energy system
Project description:
The overall vision is to operationalize energy efficiency first principle in the practical context of buildings, towards the decarbonization of the EU building stock, through Electrified low-carbon technologies such as heat pumps for the electrification of the building thermal energy demand; Integration of RES & storage; Building digitalization and intelligence with smart energy management systems. To achieve the ‘META BUILD of the building sector’, we will develop and demonstrate at TRL 6-8 highly cost-effective, integrated, and replicable solutions (i.e. Heat Pumps coupled with RES and ES systems) for electrifying thermal energy demand in buildings. Social acceptance and strict adherence to energy efficiency measures will be ensured to promote a sustainable, efficient energy use and an affordable pathway to decarbonize the building-sector heating. A holistic approach addresses challenges throughout the building life cycle, including product manufacturing, energy solution design and engineering, construction, renovation, operation, and maintenance. META BUILD will deliver: KPI-driven assessment methodology & LCA analysis on building electrification; Decarbonisation as a service decision support tool; sound Business Models combined with energy efficiency and electrification; Advanced HP technologies, PVTs & other RES solutions, thermal & second-life battery storage systems; Interoperable framework for electrified ready buildings; Energy management services for RT-monitoring & performance analytics; Demand response, grid interaction & flexibility planning tools; Pro-active maintenance & controls services; Digital Twins for maintaining/enhancing the buildings’ performance; Blueprints & policy recommendations for replication & scalability. Focus will be given on both the construction and renovation phases of a building, while META BUILD solutions will be demonstrated and replicated in different types of buildings including 6 Front Runners and 7 Replication Multipliers.
Heat pumps; Hybrid photovoltaic-thermal; Second life batteries; Data-driven services; Digital Twins; thermal comfort, Indoor air quality; Pro-active maintenance; Smart control; Demand response;
2. Smart and local reneWable Energy DISTRICT heating and cooling solutions for sustainable living
Project description:
District energy is a proven solution for delivering heating, hot water, and cooling services through a network of insulated pipes – from a central point of generation to end users. It requires a vast amount of energy that when sourced from fossil fuels, accounts for a major portion of a city’s greenhouse gas emissions. The EU-funded WEDISTRICT project will demonstrate an integrated district heat and cooling (DHC) network combining renewable energy sources, thermal storage and waste heat recovery at low temperatures. Innovative concepts include the use of molten salts for thermal storage, interaction with other energy networks, and end-user involvement through ICT solutions. The integrated DHC solution proposed by WEDISTRICT will significantly help decarbonize urban heating and cooling systems.
District Heating and Cooling, Intelligent optimization and control, prosumers, citizens engagement, smart city, energy efficiency, renewable energy