The city of Vitoria-Gasteiz is part of the European project SmartEnCity, aimed at developing the European strategy for the creation of intelligent cities free of CO2. In the case of this Basque city, the project has been realized through the energy rehabilitation of the Coronación district, determined to be the one most in need from the social perspective, as well as from the habitability, accessibility and energy efficiency perspectives.
The company Veolia is the one who has been in charge of the installation of the district heating network and the CER Termosun group supplied two biomass boilers HERZ firematic 501 with a total power of 1.000 kW.
These boilers are equipped with the latest technology of particles filtering. They have built-in electrostatic filters that reduce to the maximum the particles emission. The special vertical transport system for bio fuel (pellets) designed for the plant allows the supply of both boilers from the undergounds silos where the fuel is stored.
The energy rehabilitation project will lower the energy demand and replace the fossil fuels with renewable fuels, improve the habitability and the comfort of the homes, and lower the electricity and hot water bills.
Model: HERZ firematic 501
Power: 1000 kW
Fuel: Pellet
Sector: Local administration establishments and district heating
Year of installation: 2021
Location: Vitoria-Gesteiz, Álava (Basque)