Renewable energy in the Hernán Cortés community

A sustainable project that supplies energy to more than 170 homes.

The five buildings in this neighborhood community house a total of 174 households. The selected fuel has been forest pine chip without transformation treatments. The facility has a silo with a volume of 175 cubic meters and with the capacity to store more than 40 tons of chips, which guarantees adequate autonomy in periods of maximum demand.

Work done by company Gesenergía.

Boiler model: Two 1,000 kW BioFire boilers
Power: 2,000 kW
Fuel: Pellets or Chips
Sector: Residential sector
Year of installation: 2013
Municipality / Province: Zaragoza

District Heating in Fasa Village, Valladolid

The 398 households of the Fasa Group have launched a biomass heat network. Installation of two HERZ firematic boilers, 500kW each, which provide a total of 1,000 kW of thermal power.

The project has been carried out by the company Termosun.

Boiler model: 2 Firematic 500 kW
Power: 1,000 kW
Fuel: Local forest chip
Power supply system: Rotary double system
Sector: Residential sector
Year of installation: 2018
Municipality / Province: Valladolid

Biomass in the neighborhood community Av. Central de Barañaín

Installation of two HERZ biomass boilers in a neighborhood community of Navarra. Installation of two HERZ biomass boilers, 1 Biomatic of 500 kW and 1 firematic of 200 kW, to supply DHW and heating for a neighborhood community of Av. Central de Barañáin de Pamplona (Navarra).

Power supply system through high rotary.
Work done by company Eolimer.

Boiler model: 1 Biomatic of 500 kW and 1 firematic of 200 kW
Power: 700 kW
Fuel: Chips
Power supply system: High rotary system
Sector: Residential sector
Year of installation: 2013
Municipality / Province: Barañáin / Navarra